Hokkaido Burger Buns

Tangzhong: an intriguing technique for softer yeast bread and rolls. 🍞

Ingredients for servings

    for the tangzhong

  • 20 g bread flour

  • 27 g water

  • 60 g whole milk

  • for the dough

  • 120 g whole milk @ 30­°C

  • 9 g instant yeast

  • 320 g bread flour

  • 7 g fine sea salt

  • 35 g granulated sugar

  • 1 whole egg(s)

  • 1 egg yolk(s)

  • 42 g unsalted butter, softened

  • for the egg wash

  • 1 whole egg

  • splash of whole milk



  • Combine milk, water, and flour in a medium saucepan. Whisk over medium heat until mashed potato texture.

  • Dough

  • Add the yeast to the warm milk, stir, and let sit for 10 minutes.

  • In mixing bowl, add flour, sugar, and salt. Whisk and then fit mixer with dough hook. On low speed, slowly add milk mixture and the tangzhong paste. Follow with the egg and egg yolk. Mix on medium low until thoroughly incorporated.

  • Gradually add the butter this is very important, the butter needs to be added gradually! Let the mixer knead the dough for 5-8 minutes until smooth.

  • Place seam-side down dough ball in greased bowl, cover with damp towel and place in warm area for 1.5 hours.

  • Once dough is doubled, punch down & divide into six even pieces (weigh to be accurate).

  • Shape

  • Gently stretch the piece of dough toward the center, turn over, and gently pull toward you, pressing the seams further. Make a perfect, tight ball for the perfect bun.

  • Place dough balls on baking tray lined with greased parchment. Place inverted baking sheet over the top to prevent drying. Let them rise for 1-2 hours.

  • Brush the entire top of the buns with egg wash.

  • Bake at 190°C for 16-18 minutes until golden brown. Brush with melted butter & let cool.

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